Monday, September 27, 2010

Your biggest lesson in life came from...

My biggest lesson in life has came from many different events in my life and the lesson is after every door closes, another one opens. This phrase basically explains that after something ends in your life or goes away, another positive thing is there for you to take. For example, when my cat died when I was little there was always an opportunity to get another pet that I could love equally as much. After I lost a championship travel soccer game, I knew that there was always going to be more soccer in my life and big games just like the one I had lost. One last example is an ending to a relationship; even though a person may be sad, there are always more people in a the world and a vast number of chances for happiness. This lesson has taught and will teach me to stay strong after a negative incident in my life because there is always another positive one to come.

Monday, September 20, 2010

One food I could never give up is...

One food I could never give up is a plate of grilled salmon from a good seafood restaurant. Out of all the foods, including steak, chicken, pasta, etc., my favorite area is seafood. I have been eating salmon since I was young and find it to be very tasteful and healthy. After devouring a plate of grilled salmon, I develop a sanguine personality and proceed to have a great rest of the day. Both of my parents make a great homemade salmon dish, which is most likely why I am such a big fan of it today.

Monday, September 13, 2010

This year I am going to...

This year I am going to work the hardest and most efficient out of all four years of my high school career. In junior year I am using my permit until April 11th when I can receive my license and also are taking the SAT's, which has a tremendous effect on which colleges will want me at their school. Pascack Hills offers a manifold amount of opportunities for succeed this year and I intend to use them for my own academic achievements this year.