The introduction of our E! True Hollywood Story is the general story of Tiger's affair, the list of girls he has cheated with, background behind Tiger's relationship with those woman, etc. Next, we will bring up the effect of his actions, such as Elin's response to her husband's actions, Tiger's hurt image and legacy, Tiger speaking out, interviews of fellow golfers, and Tiger taking a break from golf to sort-out his life. Dylan and I have a creative idea of creating a video production movie of us interview people on behalf of the scandal: friends, teachers, students, etc. Ideas of questions we have for the interviews go as follows:
What is your knowledge on the Tiger Woods incident?
What are your feelings towards the scandal?
What do you think Tiger's punishment should be, or should he receive one?
Do you think Tiger obtains the mental strength to bounce back into golfing?
Will this large scandal harm his legacy?
Ask a girl: If you were Elin, what actions would you take against your husband?
Ask several people: As a fan, have you lost respect for Tiger Woods?
This scandal not only harms Tiger's golfing and family life, but the impact he had among his fans and America overall is very negative.